White Glass Pearl Bib Style Necklace


Plain necklace with round pearl beads it the safest item to wear. The weakness is the lack of surprise element in it. In addition, it gives more elegant and innocence look instead of rich and glamorous vibe. Find another creation from pearl beads. It would be a lovely accessory for your neck.


  • A pack of acrylic beads, white pearl tone, 3mm
  • A pack of glass beads, red bicone tone, 6mm
  • A pack of acrylic beads, light golden tone, 3mm
  • Toggle and Tbar, silver tone, Tibetan style
  • fishing wires, 0.2mm
  • scissors

Step 1.

Prepare the wire. Cut one very long fishing wire. Then take 3mm white pearl beads and slide three of them in. Add silver toggle and three more white pearl beads as well as three light golden beads.

From the right hand direction, slip in three light golden beads. Lead the wire from the left hand direction into the end golden bead. It should make another bead loop.

Tie knot with the wire, then cut one end. Slip in seven of white pearl beads, one light golden and another seven white pearl beads.

Lead the wire to cress the golden acrylic bead to make bead loop. Again, lead the wire to the beads until it appears to the new golden bead.

Repeat and create two loops.

Step 2.

Slip three golden beads, two white pearl and three golden beads.

Lead the wire to loop two white pearl beads, then all the beads except the second and fifth beads.

Slip the wire through the beads as shown in the picture.

Add 12 more white pearl beads. Loop the wire as instructed in the picture.

Step 3.

Slide in six white pearl, four golden beads, red bicone beads and one golden bead.

Loop back to the red bicone bead and add three golden beads. Loop to the white pearl bead.

Add one white pearl bead, then lead the wire to five white pearl beads.

Step 4.

Add seven white pearl beads. Make loop like the sample.

Add 13 white pearl beads and two golden beads to the wire.

Follow the instruction before sliding golden beads.

Step 5.

slide in red beads and golden bead. Make a loop.

Add five more white pearl beads. Make a loop to the golden bead and add two new white pearl beads.

Make a loop to white pearl bead and add six beads.

Add four white pearl bead and make a loop through two white pearl beads.

Step 6.

Add three golden beads, two golden beads, one red bead and one golden bead.

Make a loop through the red bead. Add one gold bead.

Make a loop as shown.

Step 7.

Add eight white pearl beads to the wire using Tbar. Make a loop through golden bead. Tie knot to close the wire.

Trim any extra wire.