Simple Wire-Wrapped Ring Tutorial


Handmade ring is the answer to your needs for more collections of rings to match the entire outfits you have. The following tutorial is unlike the other you can find online. This one is the simplest one, in which you start learning the very fundamental basics. If you master this tutorial, you can try more complicated rings.


  • Swarovski pearl, 8 mm
  • 20 or 22 gauge of artistic wire
  • Wire cutter
  • Bent nose pliers
  • Ring mandrels

The Making Steps

1Take the wire and cut 12 inches long of it. Take the bead, and put it right in the middle of the wire. Take a madrel and lay the wire on it. Make sure to lay the wire exactly on the size you want to make. Then, strat wrapping the wire around the mandrel by circling it back to front for both ends. In this step, you wire ends should be on two opposite direction.

2Grip the wire firm and start crossing the wire around the bead. Keep crossing. You need to make the new cross to lay underneath the previous cross. Repeat this step until you have around four or five wraps or layers of crossing. Make sure to keep adding pressure on this step to keep the wire taught all the time.

3Cut the excess wire from the wrap but leave 1.5 inches of the wire to finish the side. Wrap the wire tail on one side of the ring until you make three to four neat and tight loops. Cut the remaining wire and press the tip to the ring. Repeat the same thing to the other side until you secure both sides. Now your ring is ready to wear.


  • In alternative to bent nose pliers, you can also use chain nose pliers for the project. It should serve you the same function and it should be as easy to use it as well. You can find it on the same craft store where you get the rest of the materials.
  • To decide on which gauge to use, you should consider the interior diameter of the bead you use. As you can guess, bigger interior requires bigger gauge for the wire as well.  Make sure to know your bead interior size exactly first before deciding the wire size.
  • The Swarovski bead isn’t the only option. For this project, you only need to stick on the 8 mm size instead of on the kind and it needs to be roundish. Several other possible alternatives are faceted round cats eye bead and Swarovski faceted round bead on the same size.