Jewelry Making Basics: How to Use Jewelry Pliers


Are you interested in making jewelry? Do you want to make wire jewelry? If the answers are both yes, you need to use jewelry pliers to help you making the jewelry. Moreover, you need to know the use of jewelry pliers so you can use it to make the jewelry itself.

  1. Internal Pliers

Internal pliers are useful to make loops or curves in wire. Moreover, it is very helpful if you want to make different loops sizes. To use this, you just need to hold the wire on one hand, and then you need to bend it around using internal pliers. Since it is curved, it will be easy to bend the wire to make a smooth loop or curve.

  1. Wire Cutter

The wire cutter is useful to cut the wire when you make the jewelry. Actually, it is very simple to use; you just need to use it like you use scissors. The only different is that you need to put some strength when using it since the wire itself is pretty thick.

  1. Bent Nosed Pliers

Bent nosed pliers are useful for tight places. Moreover, they are also useful to cut the wire or you can use it to grip the wire to avoid slipping. To use these bent nosed pliers, actually it is the same as previous pliers. You just need to hold the wire using these pliers to make the wire itself bend or open the tight gap among wires.

  1. Long Nosed Pliers with Smooth Jaws

The use of long nosed pliers is the same with bent nosed pliers. They are useful for holing the wire and reaching the tight gap of the wire. The only difference is that if the bent nosed pliers are used for the smallest gap while the long nosed pliers are useful for the small pliers. It is up to you whether you want to use bent nosed or long nosed pliers.

  1. Long nosed Pliers with Serrated Tips

The use of long nosed pliers with serrated tips is the same with both bent nosed pliers and long nosed pliers with smooth jaws. The difference between them is that the long nosed pliers with serrated tips are useful to provide a secure grip.

The use of five different pliers that are previously mentioned is more or less the same from one another. Therefore, you just need to acquire some skills in using them.