If you want to make some kind of unique yet stylish leather bracelet, you can always try making the magnetic leather bracelet. The magnetic leather bracelet is also practical and functional if you want to make and build things. The steps given in this tutorial are easy and simple. You can use the steps to make your own magnetic leather bracelet at home!
Step 1. Cut the leather. The material used for this project is 4 oz tanned leather. The leather is then cut into two strips with one strip wider and one strip narrower. This narrow strip needs to be wide enough to insert the small magnets at leather’s middle part. The wide leather is to attach the bracelet around the wrist so the size can be adjusted as your preference.

Step 2. After the leather is cut, the next step is to dye the strips of the leather. This project uses oil dye. Apply the oil dye all over the surface of the strips and let it sit until the dye dries. Once it is dry, apply the leather around the wrist. Then cut the size of the leather according to your wrist size but don’t forget to leave some for the spare.

Step 3. Make the holes. The project uses 5 magnets so the position of each magnet needs to be decided into the narrow strip leather. You can use the hole punch to determine the exact location on the leather. Then, punch the holes onto the narrow strip. Make sure that all magnets can fit perfectly into the narrow strip.

This narrow strip will be inserted onto the wider strip’s top. To make the joint strong enough, you have to stitch both leather strips. Mark the lines for applying the stitches. Then, don’t forget to punch the holes on the spaces between the magnets go.

Step 4. Leave the strips and start working on the clasp. The project uses silver snap to match the color of the leather strips. Prepare the metal plate under the concave tops and also to punch the holes. Add small loop at the end of the clasp as to make the closure tight and nice.

Step 5. Joint two strips altogether. Use the rubber cement to joint both strips. Make the holes to go throughout the back of the strips before the stitches going. Then, stitch the leather strips with hemp thread.

Step 6. Glue the magnets inside the strips. Take epoxy for gluing the magnets. After all magnets are glued, take the top coat for sealing the dye into the strips as to protect it. Your magnetic leather bracelet is ready! You can wear it now!