A Chain Necklace with Pretty Drilled Sea Glass


A Chain Necklace with Pretty Drilled Sea Glass

Step 1. The materials and the tools for this project.


  • Paper clip
  • German jewelry wire, or small silver, or large jump ring
  • Chain necklace
  • Cup of water
  • Small plastic bowl
  • Sea glass with 1/4” thickness


  • Safety glasses
  • Round nose pliers
  • Wire cutters
  • Dentist driill bits
  • Dremel

Step 2. Take the sea glass and place it in the bottom of the bowl. Then, pour the water until the sea glass is totally covered with it. For the bowl, it is better not to use the glass bowl or the china ball. Just use some plastic bowl for this project. It is because the bowl will be used as the base for drilling the sea glass and the plastic one is the safest among all as it is not easily crack and broken. Choose the small plastic bowl. If you use small plastic bowl, you can secure the bowl from moving just by placing your arm over it as you will use your hands to drill and hold the sea glass.

The water is also used to prevent the sea glass cracked or fractured during the drilling process. When you drill, make sure that you press the sea glass very hard using your fingers. Make sure to hold it tight to prevent it from moving. Many dangerous risks that you can get if you lose the sea glass while drilling it like you can jolt your fingers into the Dremel and hurts them so bad. Or, the sea glass slips, flies, and hits you hard. For the prevention, wear the safety glasses when drilling.

Step 3. Prepare the dental drill and attach it into the Dremel. Turn the Dremel on high speed. Decide the location where you want to drill with the Dremel. You can mark the drilling spot with black marker. Then, use your left hand to hold and press the sea glass down tightly. Give some space for the drill so that it can drill the spot securely.

Start drilling the sea glass. Take the drill out every five second so that the water can fill the hole to cool the sea glass off. Then, after a few seconds, start drilling the sea glass. Repeat the process until the hole is made. You can measure the depth of your drill by taking out the sea glass from the water and see the glass up to the light. Make sure that you don’t press the sea glass very strong as it can crack any time.

Step 4. After the hole is created, you can insert the jump ring into the sea glass hole. Then, just insert the chain throughout the jump ring. Now, your sea glass necklace is ready to be used and showed off. Enjoy!