How to Make Elegant Pearl Cluster Necklace


Are you having a party invitation to attend? Well, make sure your look is spot on! You need an elegant necklace for the party! Don’t worry! You don’t need to shop. You only need to make it by yourselves. You can boost your party look with an elegant pearl cluster necklace. Here is the tutorial to make one:

  • Purchase all the materials needed for the project. For making this pearl cluster necklace, you will need: two kinds of pink glass pearls (one with the size of 67 x 8mm and the other one with the size of 17 x 4mm), oatmeal glass pearls with the size of 17 x 4mm, silver headpins with the size of 85 x 1 inch (the one with 24 gauge), silver jump rings with the size of 17 x 5mm, 2 pieces of oatmeal ribbon pieces with the length of 70 cm and the width of 6mm, and silver wire with the length of 35 cm (the one with 22 gauge)
  • Grab your headpins and create wrapped loops for the peals. Then, insert a jump ring into the loops. Create the loops and insert the jump ring for various sizes of the pearl.
  • Make some clusters of five pearls for every jump ring. Continue making the cluster until you get 17 clusters.
  • Using a separate wire length, secure one of the wire’s end using a wire wrapped loop. After that, make a thread on the single pearl and continue making it to the cluster. Then, alternate it and continue making the thread all onto the wire and by making two clusters at one side.
  • Bunch all of them together until you are able to see the cluster start forming its full-bodied shape. When all of the beads are already on, you need to secure the wire’s other end with the wrapped loop.
  • Then, thread the ribbon through the loops at every end and to the halfway point. Then, work with the last two clusters. Thread one of the clusters over every ribbon at every end and place it at the other pearls’ bottom.
  • You are almost done! When you are wearing the necklace, the ribbon of the necklace is for securing the necklace around your neck. With the same steps and technique, you can also make a bracelet. To get a different effect, you can use glass, crystals, or other kinds of beads to create your own unique style.